This is a late night loot deal alert for you guys. So those who are awake, are in benefit. Now get Rs 20 Free recharge by just giving a Missed Call. Yes you here it right and you are not dreaming. So hurry up and grab your free recharge now.


NOTE- We have verified it and received free recharge of Rs 20 successfully. So thanks us later. Hurry up.!!

How to get Rs 20 Free Recharge?

  1. Give a Missed Call to 07053111903

2. You will receive a return call, pick it up.

3. Choose your language and then you will be asked a question.

4. Just press 1.

5. You will receive a message- Congratulations !!! You have answered correctly. You will be receiving a Rs. 20 Top up shortly.

6. Within sometime, you will get Rs 20 Recharge done successfully. Enjoy the Loot. :)


Here is the screenshot of the Free Recharge of Rs 20 which we received just now.
