Half Day is gone and Amazon Great Indian Sale is at its peak. We hope that our slot wise deals' posts have helped you grab some great offers from this mega shopping event. Its 1 PM and we have added the offers for 1-2 PM Time slot. Check them out and see if there is something you would like to buy :)

amazon great indian festival sale1 PM

1 . Wipro Cosmos Rechargeable LED Emergency Light 1890 849 (55% off)

2. iBall Soundbox Portable Bluetooth Speaker 2175 1199 (45% off)

3. iBall Nirantar UPS-621V 600VA UPS with Power Protection 2475 1499 (39% off)

1:55 PM

4. HP S3100 USB Speakers (Black) 1299 475 (63% off)

5. Zebronics Happy Head Bluetooth Headphone  1999 899 (55% off)